Dynamics of laser produced carbon plasma expanding in low pressure ambient atmosphere

The laser produced carbon plasma expanding in vacuum (P<10−3 Torr) and low pressure ambient atmosphere (P<10−2 Torr and P=10−1 Torr) has been studied by emission spectroscopy and fast photography using intensified charged coupled device (ICCD). The double peak structure is observed in the temporal profile of C I transition 2p3 3 D0 –8f F (5/2) at 399.7 nm, C II transition 3d 2 D–4f 2 F0 at 426.7 nm, and C III transition 3s 3 S–3p 3 P0 at 465.0 nm as the plasma expands in ambient atmosphere. The stratification of the plasma into slow and fast components is imaged using ICCD. A compression wave model is proposed to explain the occurrence of a double peak structure.