Noise in small industry

Exposure to noise, the availability and the use of ear protectors, and the adequacy of the medical surveillance of noise-exposed workers were surveyed in the small industry of Finland in order to provide information for the development of occupational health care. One hundred workplaces were chosen by random sampling to represent the small industry (personnel 5–49) in the province of Uusimaa. About a third (32%) of the workers (n=1181) were exposed to a noise level of at least 85 dB (leq) when at work. However, the prevalence of noise exposure varied greatly, from 3 to 82% according to the type of industry. One in five workers exposed to noise was under periodic medical surveillance (audiogram). Ear protectors were available to about a half of the workers. Fewer than half of the workers with ear protectors at their disposal actually used them. Preventive measures are discussed with respect to noise-induced hearing loss among the personnel working in small industry.