Relevance of Amadori and Maillard Products to Seed Deterioration

The possible role of Amadori and Maillard reactions in the deterioration of dry seeds was investigated using model systems and whole soybean seeds, Glycine max cv Hodgson. In model systems of glucose plus an enzyme (lysozyme), the production of Amadori products was accelerated by higher temperature and relative humidity. The reaction between glucose and lysozyme at 50 degrees C, 75% relative humidity, leads to a progressive decline in enzymatic activity. During accelerated aging of soybean seeds (40 degrees C, 100% relative humidity), a sequence is observed in which the Amadori products increase with time and then decline under conditions in which the Maillard products increase in the axes. Loss of germinability occurs at the time when the Maillard products increase in the soybean axes. These results are suggestive of a role for nonenzymic glycation in soybean seed deterioration during accelerated aging.