Sympodial and annellidic conidiation in Ceratocystis clavigera

Ceratocystis clavigera (Robins.-Jeff. & Davids.) Upadhyay produces the Craphiocladiella anamorph in pupal chambers of the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus monticolae Hopk.) in mature lodgcpolc pine. Besides this anamorph, at least five different sympodial or annellidic anamorphs occur in culture. These are a hyaline Verticicladiella-like state, a Hyalorhino-cladiella state, a holoblastic-yeast state, a Leptographium state, and an annellidic-yeast state. Apparently, interconversion between sympodial and annellidic ontogenies occurs. As the cultures are repeatedly transferred on agar media, relative dominance of these states tends to shift from complex to simpler forms in both ontogenetic lines, and conidia tend to become smaller and roundish. Results of this study urge the necessity for condensation of some ontogenetically and anatomically based anamorph genera connected to Ceratocystis Ellis & Halst.

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