The Mlsd-defined primary mixed lymphocyte reaction: a composite response to Mlsa and Mlsc determinants.

Considerable disagreement exists among immunologists regarding the polymorphic nature of the murine Mls system. An estimate of the capacity of a given putative Mls allelic gene product expressed on a stimulator population to elicit proliferation of H-2-compatible Mls-disparate unprimed T cells may vary widely among different groups of investigators. This laboratory has shown previously that preactivation of B lymphocytes in a splenocyte stimulator population by exposure to goat anti-mouse IgD (GaMD) before irradiation dramatically enhanced the in vitro presentation not only of the strongly stimulatory (and highly cross-reactive) Mlsa and Mlsd, but also the more poorly stimulatory Mlsc specificity. Therefore, by the use of GaMD-treated splenocytes that optimally present the various Mls non-H-2 stimulatory epitopes, we attempted in this study to obtain a clearer understanding of Mls polymorphism by re-examining the conflicting claims associated with the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) stimulatory capacity of different Mls specificities. Among H-2k responder cells of the Mls null, Mlsa, Mlsb, or Mlsd genotypes, only T cells from Mlsd-bearing CBA/J mice did not respond to Mlsc determinants present on GaMD-treated C3H/HeJ stimulator cells. Crossing CBA/J with an Mlsc-responsive mouse strain yielded an F1 animal in which nonresponsiveness to Mlsc was dominant. Although Mlsa (AKR/J) and Mlsc (C3H/HeJ) parental T cells both proliferated vigorously to Mlsd (CBA/J) stimulator cells, the Mlsa/c (AKR X C3H)F1 T cells responded poorly to GaMD-treated Mlsd stimulator cells. In addition, Mlsd (CBA/J) T cells were nonresponsive to Mlsa (AKR/J), Mlsc (C3H/HeJ), and Mlsa/c (AKR X C3H)F1 GaMD-treated stimulator cells. Because Mlsa (AKR/J) and Mlsc (C3H/HeJ) specificities are mutually stimulatory, at least limited polymorphism must exist in the Mls system. However, because Mlsa/c (AKR X C3H) and Mlsd (CBA/J) specificities are mutually nonstimulatory, T cell proliferation in an Mlsd-defined primary MLR is most likely due to a composite response to Mlsa and Mlsc epitopes present on CBA/J stimulator cells.