Minority carrier diffusion and defects in InGaAsN grown by molecular beam epitaxy

To gain insight into the nitrogen-related defects of InGaAsN, nitrogen vibrational mode spectra, Hall mobilities, and minority carrier diffusion lengths are examined for InGaAsN (1.1 eV band gap) grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Annealing promotes the formation of In–N bonding, and lateral carrier transport is limited by large scale (≫mean free path) material inhomogeneities. Comparing solar cell quantum efficiencies with our earlier results for devices grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), we find significant electron diffusion in the MBE material (reversed from the hole diffusion in MOCVD material), and minority carrier diffusion in InGaAsN cannot be explained by a “universal,” nitrogen-related defect.