The Determination of Sulfur Oxides in Flue Gases by the Barium Chloranilate-Controlled Condensation Method

An improved method for the determination of sulfur oxides is described which incorporates the optimization of collection and analysis methods and the design of a simple compact gas sampling train. SO3 and SO2 are collected by controlled condensation and by adsorption in aqueous peroxide, respectively. Sulfate analyses are performed by a modified barium chloranilate colorimetric procedure. The effect of parameters such as temperature, flow rate and concentration were investigated for SO2 absorption in peroxide. The method was evaluated versus the Environmental Protection Agency sulfur oxides technique at a coal-fired power plant. The agreement between the SO2 methods was good, with a correlation coefficient of 0.73, and the regression equation given by: ppm SO2 (barium chloranilate) = +O.W ppm SO, (barium ion) +30.0.