Effects of Pinacidil on Detrusor Instability in Men with Bladder Outlet Obstruction

In a double-blind, crossover study the effect of the potassium channel opener pinacidil (N''-cyano-N'4-pyridyl-N-1,2,2-trimethylpropylguanidine monohydrate) at 25 mg. per day was evaluated in 10 patients with detrusor instability and bladder outlet obstruction. Nine patients completed the study: in 7 pinacidil was without significant effect on urodynamic variables and in 2 detrusor instability was not found at the end of the pinacidil period. Maximum urinary flow, frequency and nocturia were unchanged during pinacidil treatment, compared to the initial test and the placebo period. There was a significant decrease in standing blood pressure but heart rate was stable throughout the study. No patient experienced distinct symptomatic improvement or side effects during pinacidil treatment. The results suggest that pinacidil at the dosage given is not effective for treatment of unstable detrusor contractions associated with bladder outflow obstruction.