Effect of239Pu on mouse hemopoietic stem cells in different types of bone marrow cavities

Repopulative activity of hemopoietic stem cells of mice given i.v. 5 kBq239Pu/mouse (166.5 kBq/kg) was followed. The activity retained was measured in the whole mouse, the skeleton and the liver. Simultaneously average cumulative skeletal dose was calculated. Quantitative parameters of the stem cell compartment and the marrow cellularity were studied in variously arranged bones (femur, pelvis, lumbar vertebra) using the exocolonizing test and cytological techniques. The effects of radiation were most marked in lumbar vertebra, less serious changes were found in pelvis and only a moderate response was present in femur. The bone marrow hemopoiesis is damaged in various bone sites to different degrees and the percentage of cells at risk appears higher in trabecular than in cortical bone.