Rapid, effective techniques have been developed for detecting and characterizing chromosome aberrations in Neurospora by visual inspection of ascospores and asci. Rearrangements that are detectable by the presence of deficient, nonblack ascospores in test crosses make up 5 to 10% of survivors after UV doses giving 10-55% survival. Over 135 rearrangements have been diagnosed by classifying unordered asci according to numbers of defective spores. (These include 15 originally identified or analyzed by other workers.) About 100 reciprocal translocations (RT's) have been confirmed and mapped genetically, involving all combinations of the seven chromosomes. Thirty-three other rearrangements generate viable nontandem duplications in meiosis. These consist of insertional translocations (IT's) (15 confirmed), and of rearrangements that involve a chromosome tip (10 translocations and 3 pericentric inversions). No inversion has been found that does not include the centromere. A reciprocal translocation was found within one population in nature. When pairs of RT's that involve the same two chromosome arms were intercrossed, viable duplications were produced if the breakpoints overlapped in such a way that pairing resembled that of insertional translocations (27 combinations).—The rapid analytical technique depends on the following. Deficiency ascospores are usually nonblack (W: "white") and inviable, while nondeficient ascospores, even those that include duplications, are black (B) and viable. Thus RT's typically produce 50% black spores, and IT's 75% black. Asci are shot spontaneously from ripe perithecia, and can be collected in large numbers as groups of eight ascospores representing unordered tetrads, which fall into five classes: 8B:0W; 6B:2W, 4B:4W, 2B:6B, 0B:8W. In isosequential crosses, 90-95% of tetrads are 8:0. When a rearrangement is heterozygous, the frequencies of tetrad classes are diagnostic of the type of rearrangement, and provide information also on the positions of break points. With RT's, 8:0 (alternate centromere segregation) = 0:8 (adjacent-1), 4:4's require interstitial crossing over in a centromere-break point interval, and no 6:2's or 2:6's are expected. With IT's, duplications are viable, 8:0 = 4:4, 6:2's are from interstitial crossing over, 0:8's or 2:6's are rare. Tetrads from RT's that involve a chromosome tip resemble those from IT's, as do tetrads from intercrosses between partially overlapping RT's that involve identical chromosome arms.—Because viable duplications and other aneuploid derivatives regularly occur among the offspring of rearrangements such as insertional translocations, care must be taken in selecting stocks, and original strains should be kept for reference.