Three-Dimensional Organization and Topographical Features of the My enteric Plexus (Auerbach) in the Porcine Small Intestine: Scanning Electron Microscopy after Enzymatic Digestion and HCl-Hydrolysis

The present scanning electron microscopical (SEM) study was initiated to visualize the surface topography of Auerbach’s plexus in the ileum of the pig. After enzymatic digestion of the connective-tissue components of the tunica muscularis and the tunica serosa followed by glutaraldehyde fixation, HCl-hydrolysis and stripping off either the longitudinal or circular smooth muscle layer, the three-dimensional architecture and topographical features of the myenteric plexus can clearly be observed. In this way, ganglia, primary, secondary and tertiary strands, and single nerve fibres can be demonstrated. Individual nerve cells, which are incompletely covered by glial cells and by remnants of the basal lamina, can be recognized in the centre and periphery of the ganglia and adjacent to primary and secondary nerve strands.