Anomalous Hall conductivity and magnetoresistance in epitaxial La0.67Ca0.33MnO3−δ thin films

The longitudinal magnetoresistance ρxx and Hall resistivity in-plane ρxy were simultaneously measured on an epitaxial La0.67Ca0.33MnO3−δ thin film as a function of temperature at several magnetic fields. The zero-field resistivity ρxx reaches a maximum at Tp=225 K which is very close to the Curie temperature Tc=221 K determined by linearly extrapolating the reciprocal of the magnetization [M−1(T)] data to zero. The amplitude of the ρxx peak is reduced while the position of Tp moves to higher temperatures as the external magnetic field is increased. The measurements of the Hall effect show that the carrier is holelike, and the carrier density is about 0.004 per unit cell above TC, which corresponds to the contribution of 1% of holes of Mn4+ ions. ρxy depends strongly on temperature and magnetic field. An extraordinary ρxy peak in the vicinity of ρxx peak TP and Hall sign reversal in the temperature range of 210–240 K have been observed. These anomalous behaviors of Hall effect are discussed in the frame of skew-scattering theory.