Synopsis: Small outliers of conglomerate and sandstone occur on the N Sutherland coast at Kirtomy, Tongue and on the Roan Islands. At Kirtomy sediment has infilled three N–S trending valleys cut into the Moine metasediments. The following three-stage depositional history is recorded in outliers near Tongue: (1) dissection of Moine and Lewisian terrain forming N–S valleys; (2) quiescence, in situ weathering of metamorphics, probable meandering rivers on alluvial plain; and (3) tectonic rejuvenation, thick conglomerate sequences laid down in braided rivers flowing north. On the Roan Islands 350 m or more of coarse conglomerate was deposited by a braided river system flowing from the NW probably from uplands bordering the Orcadian Basin. A Lower or Middle Devonian age for all the outliers is preferred.