The present paper records an attempt to establish a faunal sequence in the Carboniferous deposits in the Clitheroe district of North-East Lancashire. The area dealt with forms a small part of the large spread of Carboniferous strata lying south of the Craven Faults. The rocks of this region have been thrown into a series of more or less parallel folds with a general trend from east-north-east to west-south-west. The most important upfold is the Clitheroe Anticline, dissected by the Ribble, which runs west-south-westwards in the neighbourhood of Clitheroe, exposing the Carboniferous Limestone along the axis. On the north-western flank the synclinal Millstone-Grit hills of Longridge, Waddington, and Grindleton connect the Clitheroe Anticline with that of Slaidburn, in Bowland; while on the south-east there is a continuous succession through the grits of the Pendle Range to the Coal Measures of the Burnley Basin. The ground which has been mapped in detail forms that portion of the south-eastern limb of the Clitheroe Anticline which is included between the Twiston and Clitheroe Faults, along with most of the scarp-face of Pendle Hill below the Pendle Top Grit. Two small patches occur on the Yorkshire side of the county boundary. The low ground between the Ribble and Pendle Hill is occupied by the Clitheroe Limestone and the overlying ‘Shales-with-Limestone’ or Worston Shale Series. The upper part of the Clitheroe Limestone contains some of the typical reef-knolls which rise abruptly above the general level of the ground. One of these, Worsaw Hill, attains a height