An ultrasensitive chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay (CLEIA) was developed for the rapid detection and quantification of Lactobacillus brevis contaminants in beer and pitching yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae slurry collected for reinoculation). L. brevis cells trapped on a 47-mm nucleopore membrane (0.4-micron pore size) were reacted with a peroxidase-labelled Lactobacillus group E antibody and then subjected to an enhanced CLEIA analysis with 4-iodophenol as the enhancer. The combination of a nucleopore membrane with low background characteristics that enables the antigen-antibody reaction to proceed through the pores of the membrane and a labelled antibody prepared by the maleimide hinge method with minimal nonspecific binding characteristics was essential to minimize background in the detection of single cells. An ultrahigh sensitive charge-coupled device (CCD) camera equipped with a fiber optics image intensifier permitted the imaging of single cells. A clear correlation existed between the number of luminescent spots observed and the plate count [y (CLEIA) = 0.990x (plate count) + 15.9, where n = 7, r = 0.993, and P < 0.001]. Microscopic observation confirmed that the luminescent spots were produced by single cells. This assay could be used to detect approximately 20 L. brevis cells in 633 ml of beer within 4 h. Our ultrasensitive CLEIA could also be used to detect microcolonies approximately 20 microns in diameter which had formed on a membrane after 15 to 18 h of incubation. This method, which we called the microcolony immunoluminescence (MIL) method, increased the signal-to-noise ratio dramatically. The MIL method could be used to detect a 10(0) level of L. brevis contamination in 633 ml of beer and a 1/10(8) level of L. brevis contamination in pitching yeast within 1 day (15 to 18 h to form microcolonies and 2 h for CLEIA).