Shear Viscosity of Strongly CoupledN=4Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Plasma

Using the anti–de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence, we relate the shear viscosity η of the finite-temperature N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in the large N, strong-coupling regime with the absorption cross section of low-energy gravitons by a near-extremal black three-brane. We show that in the limit of zero frequency this cross section coincides with the area of the horizon. From this result we find η=π8N2T3. We conjecture that for finite ’t Hooft coupling gYM2N the shear viscosity is η=f(gYM2N)N2T3, where f(x) is a monotonic function that decreases from O(x2ln1(1/x)) at small x to π/8 when x.