Structure and Lamb shift of 2s1/2-2p3/2 levels in lithiumlike Th87+ through neonlike Th80+

We report the measurement of thirteen 2s1/2-2p3/2 dipole-allowed transitions in the highly ionized thorium ions Th80+ through Th87+. The transitions have been measured with a high-resolution crystal spectrometer on the Livermore electron beam ion trap in which highly charged thorium ions were produced and excited in the interaction with a 100-keV electron beam. The observed 2s1/2-2p3/2 transitions are readily identified from a qualitative analysis of the dipole-allowed radiative decay channels. The identifications are confirmed by detailed modeling calculations of the line excitation processes, which account for all radiative processes, including radiative cascades among levels in the n=2 and n=3 shells, and all electron-impact excitation processes. The transition energies have been determined with an overall accuracy of 35 ppm. A detailed discussion of the measurement uncertainties is given, including the effects of beam-induced polarization on the hydrogenic reference transitions used for calibration. Measurements of the 1s2-1snp (n≤10) transitions in heliumlike Ar16+, which fall into the same wavelength region as the 2s1/2-2p3/2 transitions in thorium, are presented that validate the estimate of our experimental uncertainties. These measurements achieved twice the accuracy of previous measurements of the Ar16+ lines. A value of 4025.23±0.14 eV is found for the 2s1/2-2p3/2 transition in lithiumlike Th87+.