The Antibacterial Activity of Semen and its Relation to Semen Proteins

The antibacterial effect (ABE) of 97 human semen specimens was tested against Staph. albus, Staph. aureus and E. coli using a disc method. A positive ABE could be shown in 21 specimens. Microzone electrophoresis as well as total protein determination were done from all specimens. Six discernible electrophoretic fractions were observed forming seven different electrophoretic patterns. In addition, semen morphology studies were performed. The demonstrable ABE was shown to be statistically highly significantly inversly correlated to the amount of semen total protein and especially fraction P6. Connecting the findings to a previous study, there seems to be a triangular relationship between ABE, semen proteins and semen morphology. The implications of these findings are discussed as an aspect of the antibacterial barrier in the male urethra.