Light compensation points and specific leaf areas in some New Zealand ferns

The light compensation points of detached pinnae of 4 fern species (Dryopteris filixmas (L.) Schott., Polystichum vestitum (Forst.f.) Presl., Asplenium bulbiferum Forst.f., and Microsorium diversifolium Cop.) were determined colourimetrically at prevailing winter temperatures (approx. 10°C). Irrespective of species, compensation points of pinnae from the least shaded habitats were significantly higher (geometric mean of 75 lux. 1.7 μE/m2 per s) than those from deeper shade (geometric mean of 24 lux, 0.5 μE/m2 per s). Specific leaf areas ranged from >400 cm2/g for Dyopteris and Asplenium in deep shade to 2/g for Polystichum from light shade and showed a significant negative correlation (log/log scale) with compensation points. The range of compensation points (8–340 lux, 0.2–7.6 μE/m2 per s) was similar to that recorded for other ferns, particularly when adjustments were made for the low temperature during measurement.