Comparisons were made between the antigenic potency and protective capacity of several cholera toxin derivatives. Rabbits were immunized parenterally with 50 microgram of cholera toxin, A subunit, B subunit, procholeragenoid, or Wyeth glutaraldehyde toxoid 20101. Examination of the antibody response curves revealed that cholera toxin elicited serum antitoxin responses that rose more quickly than in the subunit-immunized animals; however, antitoxin levels were of the same magnitude after 10 weeks. Parenteral immunization with procholeragenoid evoked antibody titers that were similar to the toxin, whereas Wyeth toxoid yielded only one-tenth the level of antitoxin. Oral immunization with procholeragenoid as well as Wyeth toxoid resulted in lower serum antitoxin titers than that achieved with parenteral immunization, despite the oral administration of 10 times the parenteral dose. Analysis of protection against live-cell challenge revealed that parenteral administration of procholeragenoid provided the best protection against fluid accumulation. Oral immunization with procholeragenoid also was very effective, whereas oral immunization with B subunit or Wyeth toxoid resulted in minimal protection. Also, the A subunit provided surprisingly more protection than did cholera toxin.