Granulosa tumors of the ovary in children

Granulosa tumors in children differ histologically from those occurring in adults. Of 32 neoplasms occurring in girls 16 yr of age or younger, 26 were juvenile granulosa tumors and 3 were cystic granulosa tumors; only 3 neoplasms resembled typical adult granulosa tumors. The juvenile granulosa tumor differs from the typical adult form in that it is composed of larger cells and has luteinization of its cellular components. Of the patients, 2/3 had endocrine abnormalities. Of 20 premenarcheal patients, 15 had isosexual precocious pseudopuberty. Of the 12 postmenarcheal girls, 7 had menstrual abnormalities and 2 of the 7 were virilized. All 32 patients had stage Ia tumors. The clinical outcome was generally favorable since only 2 of 26 patients with follow-up developed a recurrence. Unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is appropriate treatment for girls with stage Ia granulosa tumors; 23 of 25 patients treated by unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy were well without recurrence at last contact.