HLA class II alleles and susceptibility and resistance to insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in Mexican-American families

The role of HLA class II alleles in genetic predisposition to insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) was examined by PCR/oligonucleotide probe typing of 42 Mexican-American IDDM families derived from Hispanic Caucasians and Native Americans. All high risk haplotypes (HLA-DR3 and DR4) were of European origin while the most strongly protective haplotype (DRB1*1402) was Native American. Of the 16 DR-DQ DR4 haplotypes identified, only those bearing DQB1*0302 conferred risk; the DRB1 allele, however, also markedly influenced IDDM risk. The general pattern of neutral and protective haplotypes indicates that the presence of Asp-57 in the HLA-DQ beta chain does not confer IDDM protection per se and indicates that both DRB1 and DQB1 influence IDDM susceptibility as well as protection.