Large time-dependent CP violation in the Bs0 system and finite D0D¯0 mass difference in a four generation standard model

Combining the measured Bs mixing with bs+ rate data, we find a sizable 4 generation t quark effect is allowed, for example, with mt300GeV and Vts*Vtb0.025e±i70°, which could underlie the new physics indications in CP violation studies of bsq¯q transitions. With positive phase, large and negative mixing-dependent CP violation in Bs system is predicted, sin2ΦBs0.5 to 0.7. This also can be probed via width difference methods. As a corollary, the short distance generated D0D¯0 mass difference is found to be consistent with, if not slightly higher than, recent B factory measurements, while CP violation is subdued with sin2ΦD0.2.

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