The morphological and chemical composition and nutritive properties of chanar seed were investigated. The mean pod weight and approximate percentage of pod pericarp, endocarp and seed were determined. Chanar seedlings were inoculated with Rhizobium mesquite and R. tesota and in each case were found to nodulate. The pericarp contained 4.8% protein, 1.3% fat, 17.2% fiber, 2.4% ash, 22.7% hemicellulose and 48.4% sugar, sucrose being the preponderant pericarp sugar. The seeds contained .apprx. 29.4% protein, 48.9% fat, 7.7% sugar and 10.5% hemicellulose. Linolenic and oleic were the preponderant fatty acids. The seed protein FAO chemical score was 65 with lysine the limiting amino acid followed by methionine + cysteine with a score of 66. Rats fed milled chanar pods lost weight and ate less than the control and had an adjusted PER [protein efficiency ratio] of -3.97. The diet and N digestibility were .apprx. 67 and 1.2%, respectively. Low levels of trypsin inhibitor and cyanide were observed. The poor nutritional quality of the pods was attributed to a high seed hemagglutinin content.