Control of Metalloprotein Reduction Potential: Compensation Phenomena in the Reduction Thermodynamics of Blue Copper Proteins

The reduction thermodynamics (ΔH°‘rc and ΔS°‘rc) for native Paracoccus versutus amicyanin, for Alcaligenes faecalis S-6 pseudoazurin, and for the G45P, M64E, and K27C variants of Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin were measured electrochemically. Comparison with the data available for other native and mutated blue copper proteins indicates that the features of metal coordination and the electrostatic potential due to the protein matrix and the solvent control the reduction enthalpy in a straightforward way. However, the effects on the reduction potential are rather unpredictable owing to the entropic contribution to E°‘, which is mainly determined by solvent reorganization effects. Analysis of all the ΔH°‘rc and ΔS°‘rc values available for this protein class indicates that enthalpy−entropy compensation occurs in the reduction thermodynamics of wt cupredoxins from different sources, as well as for mutants of the same species. The findings indicate that the reduction enthalpies and entropies for these species are strongly affected by reduction-induced reorganization of solvent molecules within the solvation sphere of the protein. The absence of a perfect enthalpy−entropy compensation is due to the fact that while the differences between reduction entropies are dominated by solvent reorganization effects, those between reduction enthalpies are significantly controlled by intrinsic molecular factors related to the selective stabilization of the reduced form by coordination features of the copper site and electrostatic effects at the interface with the protein matrix.