Electrode potentials in laboratory silage

1. The average electrode potentials of laboratory silages of various types have been measured.2. The electrode potentials of ordinary and molassed silages tended to assume values of the order of –0·05 to –0·10 V. from about the third day; thepH of these silages lay in the rangepH 4·0 to 5·5.3. In a number of instances secondary increases of electrode potential were observed, frequently in association with secondary deterioration.4. The electrode potential of silage prepared with hydrochloric acid and ofpH 3·4 remained steady around +0·18 V.; the potential of silage prepared with formic acid and ofpH 3·9 was about + 0·35 V. initially but declined towards + 0·23 V. at 35 days.5. Curves for the ‘pure’ carotene content of laboratory silages displayed minima during the early stages of fermentation except in the case of formic acid silage.