Effects of Sodium Chloride Stress on Callus Cultures ofCicer arietinumL. cv. BG-203: Growth and Ion Accumulation

Growth and ion accumulation were measured in callus cultures of Cicer arietinum L. cv. BG-203, grown on media supplemented with 0–200 mol m−3 NaCl. Fresh and dry weights decreased at concentrations ranging from 100–200 mol m−3, the reduction being greater during the third and fourth weeks of culture. Slight stimulation of growth was observed at 25 and 50 mol m−3 NaCl. There was also a decrease in tissue water content (fresh weight: dry weight) at 100–200 mol m−3 NaCl. The concentration of Na+ and Cl in the tissue increased with increasing salinity of the medium. Most of the accumulation of these ions occurred by the first week while significant growth inhibition became apparent by only the third week of culture. Tissue K+ and Mg2+ decreased with increasing salinization, the decrease being greater in K+ levels. Levels of Ca2+, however, were maintained throughout the experimental range.