Probability of self‐renewing divisions of spermatogonial stem cells in colonies, formed after fission neutron irradiation

Repopulating spermatogenic colonies, found in the seminiferous epithelium after irradiation with fast‐fission neutrons, were studied to determine the cha nce that a stem cellAsingle (As spermatogonium would complete a self‐renewing division (P). Mathematical formulas originally derived for such studies in haemopoietic colonies were employed, and a method specifically aimed at spermatogenic colonies was developed. The results showed that during the first division after irradiation, P is close to 1 ‐0. P decreases in later generations, but remains 0‐7 or higher up to the 4th or 5th divisions. The mean value for P was over 0‐8, which is higher than the value of 0‐6‐0‐7 found for stem cells in haemopoietic colonies.