The property of rhesus alloantibodies to elicit antibody-dependent, cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) against target erythrocytes carrying various Rh genotypes was studied. The killer activity of normal peripheral lymphocytes on human erythrocyte target cells carrying the appropriate antigens elicited by alloantisera was measured by 51Cr release at 18 h. There was no correlation between ADCC and antibodies directed to the antigens present on the surface of different genotypes of Rh-positive red blood cells. The agglutinin titer of different Rh antibodies showed no correlation with the level of ADCC although the degree of cellular cytotoxicity was different with different anti-D sera. Anti-C+D+E antibody caused higher ADCC than anti-C+D and the lowest cytotoxicity was observed with anti-D and anti-D+E. ADCC was apparently elicited by antibodies directed to other specificities. K [antibody-dependent killer cells] cell lysis of human red cells by human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro suggests that a similar mechanism may operate in vitro in the destruction of erythrocytes coated by allo- or autoantibodies.

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