Antioxidant Inhibition of Experimentally Induced Caries in Hamsters

Experimental caries induced in male and female hamsters, maintained ad libitum on a high carbohydrate diet, were inhibited when 0.03% propyl-gallate (PG), 0.01% Nordihydroguaiaretic-acid (NDGA), 0.001[image] sodium azide (NaN3) and 3.0% H2O2 were ingested ad libitum in the drinking water. 0.01% butylated-hydroxyanisole (BHA.) added directly to the high carbohydrate diet also inhibited caries. A metabolic defect with respect to the tooth induced within hamsters maintained on the high carbohydrate diet is partially corrected in the presence of PG and BHA, is almost completely corrected by NDGA and is completely corrected by NaN3 and H2O2 at the concentrations, and mode of administration employed for these reagents.