Fade in the train–of–four (TOF) responses during onset of neuromuscular block was studied following administration of atracurium (225 or 450 μg/kg), vecuronium (40 or 80 μg/kg), pancuronium (60 or 120 μg/kg) and tubocurarine (450 μg/kg). TOF ratios were measured at approximate heights of T, (first response in the TOF) of 75, 50 and 25%. Fade in TOF increased as the height of T1decreased, with maximum fade being observed at T1of 25%. The greatest difference between relaxants was observed at T, of 25%, vecuronium showing the least fade and pancuronium, atracurium and tubocurarine showing increasing fade, in that order. The difference between atracurium and tubocurarine or between vecuronium and pancuronium was not significant, but the degree of TOF fade was significantly greater with atracurium and tubocurarine in comparison to vecuronium or pancuronium.