The effect of deamination and esterification on the reactivity of collagen

Collagen was deaminated with nitrous acid and esterified with methyl sulfate and methyl bromide, and the effect of these treatments on the reactivity of collagen towards acids, bases, tannins, chromium and formaldehyde determined. Modification of the guanidino groups by treatment with hypochlorite was only partially successful; only 40-50% of the arginine was destroyed and there was extensive general breakdown of the collagen. It is suggested that combination of tannins is related to the positive charge carried by the collagen, combination of chromium involves co-ordination of both amino and carboxyl groups of the collagen with the same chromium complex, and combination with formaldehyde occurs mainly with the amino and guanidino groups. Increase in the thermal stability results only from combination of formaldehyde with amino groups.