The Autogenous Mucosal Cyst An Experimental Study with Special Reference to Reconstructive Surgery of the Airway

Autogenous buccal mucosa was transplanted to the pretracheal region in beagles. The result was studied by surgical exploration, light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The grafts were transformed into mucosal cysts after 4 weeks. There was no significant alteration of the epithelium of the cyst wall proper as compared with normal mucosa. After observation periods of 4 to 13 weeks a cyst adequate for further transplantation procedures had developed. There were no essential differences between cysts observed at four weeks and those observed at later periods up to 13 weeks. The possibilities of combining the mucosa with framework materials (bone, cartilage, alloplastic materials, etc) and flaps (e.g. deltopectoral & myocutaneous) are mentioned.