The Relationship between Radiation-induced DNA Double-strand Breaks and Cell Kill in Hamster V79 Fibroblasts Irradiated with 250 kVp X-rays, 2·3 MeV Neutrons or238Pu α-particles

Using the neutral filter elution technique, the induction of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) has been measured in 250 kVp X-irradiated V79-379A Chinese hamster cells irradiated under air or nitrogen. The dose–effect curves for induced dsb were curvilinear, mirroring cell survival curves, such that there was an approximately linear relationship between induced dsb and lethal lesions (− ln (cell survival)) which was independent of oxygen. With cells irradiated with 2·3 MeV neutrons or 238Pu α-particles the correlations between lethal events and dsb, although also approximately linear, do not match those for X-rays. With neutrons there is approximately a 2·5-fold reduction in the level of dsb induction per lethal event. Thus either the apparently linear relationships found are spurious, and there is no general correlation between induced dsb and lethal effect, or there are qualitative differences between neutron, α-particle and X-ray induced dsb that give them differing probabilities of cell kill.

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