Differential expression of bcl-2 in intestinal epithelia correlation with attenuation of apoptosis in colonic crypts and the incidence of colonic neoplasia

The cell-positional incidence of both spontaneous and damage-induced apoptosis of epithelial cells was assessed in longitudinal sections of the crypts of small intestine and colon of BDF1 mice. This was compared, using immuno-histochemistry, with the pattern of expression of bcl-2, a suppressor of apoptosis. In the small intestine, apoptosis was maximal around cell position 4 from the base of the crypt; this closely corresponds to the position considered to contain the stem cells. In the colon, however, apoptosis was not confined to the area considered to harbour the stem cells (position 1 and 2). Instead, apoptosis was attenuated and distributed along the length of the crypt. Some cells at the base of murine colonic crypts expressed bcl-2 protein, whereas bcl-2 was absent in the crypts of the small intestine. Most pertinently, bcl-2 was absent from small intestinal crypt cells at positions 4-5 (the stem cell region). The importance of the expression of bcl-2 to the attenuation of apoptosis in stem cells was confirmed by analysis of the levels of both spontaneous and induced apoptosis in homozygously bcl-2 null C57BL/6 mice: in colonic crypts the level of spontaneous apoptosis rose significantly, and selectively at the base of the crypt, in comparison with crypts from wild-type animals. In contrast, there was no rise in spontaneous apoptosis in the small intestinal crypts from the bcl-2 null animals. Analysis of sections of human colon and small intestine also showed that expression of bcl-2 was confined to the base of the colonic crypt. The attenuation of apoptosis by bcl-2 in the region of the stem cells of the colonic crypts may dispose these to neoplastic transformation. Indeed, analysis of human carcinomas revealed expression of bcl-2, which in some samples was reciprocal with the expression of p53.