Constraints on Changes in Fundamental Constants from a Cosmologically Distant OH Absorber or Emitter

We have detected the four 18 cm OH lines from the z0.765 gravitational lens toward PMN J0134–0931. The 1612 and 1720 MHz lines are in conjugate absorption and emission, providing a laboratory to test the evolution of fundamental constants over a large lookback time. We compare the HI and OH main line absorption redshifts of the different components in the z0.765 absorber and the z0.685 lens toward B0218+357 to place stringent constraints on changes in Fgp[α2/μ]1.57. We obtain [ΔF/F]=(0.44±0.36stat±1.0syst)×10-5, consistent with no evolution over the redshift range 0<z0.7. The measurements have a 2σ sensitivity of [Δα/α]<6.7×10-6 or [Δμ/μ]<1.4×10-5 to fractional changes in α and μ over a period of 6.5Gyr, half the age of the Universe. These are among the most sensitive constraints on changes in μ. DOI: © 2005 The American Physical Society