Summary: Experiments conducted at Kingaroy in southeastern Queensland, investigated growth, development and seed production of Commelina benghalensis L. a weed of field crops, which produces aerial and underground flowers. Plants were grown from four seed types (large and small seeds from the two types of flowers) in pots exposed to the weather and in the field.Development was faster, and growth and seed production were greater in the field than in pots. Plants grown from aerial seeds were smaller, developed aerial flowers earlier, and produced more aerial fruits than plants grown from underground seeds. Rhizomes and underground flowers began to develop 6 weeks after emergence on plants from all seed types, prior to the development of aerial flowers. Seed production in the field was 8000 m−2 for plants grown from underground seeds and 12000 m−2 for plants grown from aerial seeds. Small aerial seeds represented 73–79% of the total seed production, large aerial seeds 19–22%, and underground seeds only 1–3%.