Magnetization studies in rare-earth orthochromites. VII. LuCrO3

The magnetization and principal magnetic susceptibilities of LuCrO3 are measured from ambient temperature down to 4.2°K. It is found that LuCrO3 exhibits a weak ferromagnetic moment along the a crystallographic axis below TN=111°K. By applying a magnetic field along the antiferromagnetic c axis, the antiferromagnetic vector can be rotated smoothly in the ac plane until it coincides with a at and above a critical field Hcr. This field increases with decreasing temperature, its value at T=4.2°K being Hcr=3.6±0.4 kOe. By comparing the temperature dependence of the spontaneous a-axis magnetization with that of the c-axis magnetization extrapolated to zero field, a quantitative separation between the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya antisymmetric exchange D and single-ion anisotropy (Axz) contributions to the canting is made. We find that AxzD<0.05 for the case of LuCrO3. As a consequence, a temperature-independent constant-canting-angle model is adopted. The temperature dependence of the reduced magnetization can then be analyzed using statistical-mechanical models developed for antiferromagnets. For 0.60<TTN<0.99 the magnetization exhibits power-law behavior with β13. For TTN<0.5, its behavior is well described by spin-wave models. A comparison of the experimental results with theoretical curves calculated over the entire temperature range using molecular-field and several Green's-function models is also presented.