Stability of plasma fibrinogen during storage of platelet concentrates at 22 degrees C

Platelet concentrates (PC) are stored for up to 5 days at 22° C prior to infusion. Since considerable suspending plasma is infused with the platelets, we examined the integrity of plasma fibrinogen from stored PC. The concentration of fibrinogen after storage was normal. After purification, fibrinogen from stored PC had normal thrombin time and rate of polymerization of fibrin monomer, and after reduction, its Aα, Bβ, and y chains had normal mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Assays of plasma from stored PC for fibrinogen‐fibrin degradation products were negative. When 125l‐fibrinogen was added to PC prior to storage and supernatant plasma was filtered in a sepharose 4B column after storage, radioactivity eluted in a single, symmetrical peak with no evidence for formation of low or high molecular weight material. These results make it unlikely that thrombin, plasmin, or other proteolytic activity is generated during storage. The levels of factors V and VIII fell to 40 to 65 percent of control values while the activities of factors IX, X, and XI did not change significantly during storage. We conclude that suspending plasma fibrinogen and other coagulation factors are remarkably stable during PC storage. They should be of value during the support of patients with massive hemorrhage.