Effect of Exercise on Glucocorticoids and Other Cellular Components of Blood

The effect of exercise during the dry period on glucocorticoids, packed cell volume, concentration, total leukocytes and differential leukocyte count was examined with 87 Hb Holstein cows. Cows were divided randomly into groups: control, 3.2 km at 3.5 km/h, 9.6 km at 3.5 km/h and 3.2 km at 5.5 km/h. Sampling for blood analysis was at weekly intervals pre-exercise and immediately post-exercise. Glucocorticoids and Hb concentrations were increased by exercise. Correlations between glucocorticoids and most other traits were practically zero. No eosinopenia was noted with increasing glucocorticoids. Lymphocyte numbers were correlated negatively with all traits measured. Glucocorticoid concentration increased from pre- to post-exercise with distance and speed. Although glucocorticoid concentration varied among cows, neither day sampled, days dry, weight nor age affected glucocorticoids. Increased Hb of post-exercise cows could not be attributed to speed or distance exercised. Traits measured, other than glucocorticoid concentration, were ineffective in evaluating response to increased exercise.