Width difference in theBsB¯ssystem

We use the heavy quark expansion to investigate the width difference ΔΓBs between the Bs mass eigenstates. The corrections of O(ΛQCDmb) and O(msmb) to the leading-order expression in the operator product expansion are derived and estimated to yield a sizable reduction of the leading result for ΔΓBs by typically 30%. For completeness we also quantify small effects due to penguin operators and CKM-suppressed contributions. Based on our results we discuss the prediction for (ΔΓΓ)Bs with particular emphasis on theoretical uncertainties. We find (ΔΓΓ)Bs=0.160.09+0.11, where the large error is dominated by the uncertainty in hadronic matrix elements. An accuracy of about 10% in (ΔΓΓ)Bs should be within reach, assuming continuing progress in lattice calculations. In addition, we address phenomenological issues and implications of a ΔΓBs measurement for constraints on ΔMBs and CKM parameters. We further consider in some detail the lifetime ratio τ(Bs)τ(Bd) and estimate that, most likely, |τ(Bs)τ(Bd)1|<1%.