Neutron diagnostics on TFTR utilizing the Campbelling technique

Modified commercial equipment installed on the tokamak fusion test reactor (TFTR) at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) utilizes Campbell’s mean square voltage theorem to monitor the neutron source strength at neutron count rates orders of magnitude above the capability of the count rate mode. Campbelling uses the large amplitude fluctuations from neutron fission events in the detectors to discriminate against small amplitude γ ray and other noise events. Source strengths yielding equivalent count rates a factor of 5 greater than possible in the conventional count rate mode have been obtained to date. The concept of Campbelling is discussed and the particular application to TFTR is illustrated. Fundamental advantages are the extended useful range of the detectors by a factor of ∼104 and gamma rejection by a factor of ∼103. Some results are shown and the neutron source strengths obtained are compared to those from conventional counting circuits and from other detectors whose outputs have not yet suffered counting losses.