New measurements of properties of theΩhyperon

We have obtained a sample of 1743 reconstructed Ω→ΛK events produced by protons on a Be target at production angles of 5.0 and 7.5 mrad. The Ω lifetime, based on a subset of 1096 events, was measured to be τ(Ω)=(0.811±0.037)×1010 sec, where the uncertainty is statistical and the systematic uncertainty is estimated to be small. The helicity of the daughter Λ yielded the product of asymmtery parameters αΛ αΩ=-0.022±0.051 which, in turn, yields αΩ=-0.034±0.079. The average daughter-Λ polarization in the decay region was measured to be PΛ=0.12±0.08 approximately perpendicular to the charged-hyperon beam line. The Ω polarization in the same region, i.e., after the precession magnet, depends on the sign of γΩ, which is unknown at present. The two possibilities are PΩ=PΛ if γΩ≊+1 and PΩ=-(5/3PΛ if γΩ≊-1. The magnitude of the polarization vector is only 1.5 standard deviations different from zero, and this prevented a meaningful measurement of the Ω magnetic moment. If the broken-SU(6) prediction for the moment, μ(Ω)=-1.83μN, is assumed to be true, then the precession of the Ω in the magnetic field is small and the values of PΩ above are also true at the production target. If this polarization is different from zero and correct in sign, then it cannot be simultaneously reconciled with theoretical predictions for the sign of γΩ and for the sign of the production polarization. On the other hand, if the polarization is zero no inconsistency exists.