With preps. of water-soluble esters of the native estrogens (estriol, estrone and estradiol) expts. with oxidases for the phenolic ring are made possible. Potato tyrosinase oxidizes the estrogens to form colored end products with the uptake of 3-4 atoms of O2 per molecule of hormone. The hormones are completely inactivated. Tyrosinase obtained from the common edible mushroom does not appreciably oxidize the estrogens, nor does it affect their estrogenic activity. Laccase oxidizes the estrogens with an uptake of about 1 atom of O2 per molecule of hormone and with a loss of 90% of the hormone activity. Neither cyto-chrome oxidase nor various tissue preps. give any evidence of estrogen oxidation activity. Beef heart cytochrome oxidase does not appreciably affect the estrogenic activity of the soluble estrogen esters.

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