Quark bags and local field theory. II. Confinement of Fermi and vector fields

We extend earlier work on obtaining the "bag" model of Chodos, Jaffe, Johnson, Thorn, and Weisskopf as a limit of a local field theory. As before, the discussion is on a classical level. We show how to confine Fermi and vector fields into the bag solutions found previously. In an appropriate limit we obtain exactly the Chodos et al. model for confinement of all fields except non-Abelian gauge fields. For the latter fields we argue that it is impossible from a local theory to obtain the same boundary conditions used in the Chodos et al. model. The boundary conditions we find do not have the virtue of completely eliminating "color" nonsinglet states from the theory. We propose an alternative scheme based on a single triplet of quarks and an Abelian gauge field. The baryons are bound states of three quarks and one additional scalar constituent.

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