Structure and expression of two porcine genomic clones encoding class I MHC antigens.

Two nonallelic porcine class I MHC (SLA) genes have been isolated and characterized. Both genes are expressed in mouse L cells, directing the synthesis of class I SLA molecules that carry common monomorphic determinants but are serologically distinct. The corresponding DNA sequences have been determined. The organization of both of these genes is similar to that of other class I genes: a leader exon, three exons encoding extracellular domains, a transmembrane exon, and three intracytoplasmic exons. The two genes are highly homologous in both exon and intron segments, with average homologies of 88% and 80%, respectively. Nucleotide changes in exon 2 are clustered, whereas those in the other exons are dispersed throughout. Comparison of the swine DNA sequences with class I genes from other species reveals a generally high conservation of exons 2, 3, 4, and 6 with lower homology in the remaining protein-encoding domains. Introns are markedly less well conserved, although moderate homology is found between swine and human class I MHC genes in both introns and 3' flanking regions. Taken together with comparisons of the deduced protein sequences, these data indicate an order of swine greater than human greater than rabbit greater than mouse in the relationship of class I genes.