Flow and Composition of Leg Lymph in Normal Men during Venous Stasis, Muscular Activity and Local Hyperthermia

Changes in normal human leg lymph protein concentration, output and lymph flow/lymph protein concentration relationship, as well as lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase activity were followed during procedures known to increase capillary filtration as venous stasis, muscular exercise and warming of tissues. Lymph flow increased by 83% during 2 h ergometer cycling, and by 117% during 2 h warm water foot bath. During a 2 h period of venous stasis lymph flow dropped by 50%. There was an increase in lymph flow during the rest period following all 3 types of experiment, most pronounced after foot warming. An inverse relationship between the lymph flow rate and lymph protein concentration was found. Lymph enzymes followed the same pattern of changes as total protein.