Degradation of polychlorinated phenols by Streptomyces rochei 303

The strain Streptomyces rochei 303 (VKM Ac-1284D) is capable of utilizing 2-chloro-,2,4-,2,6-dichloro- and 2,4,6-trichlorophenols as the sole source of carbon. Its resting cells completely dechlorinated and degraded 2-, 3-chloro-; 2,4-, 2,6-, 2,3-, 2,5-, 3,4-, 3,5-dichloro-; 2,4-, 2,6-dibromo-; 2,4,6-, 2,4,5-, 2,3,4-, 2,3,5-, 2,3,6-trichlorophenols; 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro- and pentachlorophenol. During chlorophenol degradation, a stoichiometric amount of chloride ions was released and chlorohydroquinols were formed as intermediates. In cell-free extracts of S. rochei, the activity of hydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase was found. The enzyme was induced with chlorophenols. Of all so far described strains degrading polychlorophenols, S. rochei 303 utilized a wider range of chlorinated phenols as the sole sourse of carbon and energy.