Magnetic properties of amorphous Co-Ti thin films with a perpendicular and an in-plane uniaxial anisotropy

The magnetic and related structural properties of CoTi amorphous films are extremely sensitive to the deposition temperature Ts. If Ts is higher than a critical value and is, on film, prepared in the presence of a magnetic field applied parallel to the film plane, one observes the formation of two uniaxial anisotropy fields Hp and Hk, which are, respectively, perpendicular and parallel to the film plane. On films with thicknesses larger than a critical thickness, one observes longitudinal stripe domains which lie parallel to Hk. The corresponding shape of the in‐plane BH loop is characteristic of films with a Hp, but the saturation field Hs is different along the in‐plane easy Hes and hard Hhs axis. The as‐computed values of Hes and Hhs, using Hk and Hp obtained from ferromagnetic resonance are in good agreement with those deduced from the BH loop. The physical origin of Hp and Hk are explained by the structural short‐range order of CoTi amorphous films.