Hämoglobine, XXVl. Analyse der Primärstruktur des dimeren Insektenhämoglobins CTT VIIB (Erythrocruorin) ausChironomus thummi thummi, Diptera

The dimeric Hb CTT VIIB (erythrocruorin) of C. t. thummi, was sequenced. Either globin or globin with maleic acid blocked lysines were cleaved with trypsin. The separation of peptides and the sequence analysis are given in detail. CTT VIIB is one of many Hb components found in the hemolymph of C. t. thummi. The components are monomers and dimers of 2 identical chains. In the sequence of CTT VIIB at the 6th position, 2 instead of 1 amino acid residues were found in the following positions: 37: Gln/Met; 41: Pro/Ser, 75: Ser/Met; 78: Glu/Ala; 110: Leu/Thr and 138: Tyr/Phe. The ratio of 2 residues found at single positions is 1:1 according to amino acid analysis of corresponding peptides. The possibility that Hb CTT VIIB consists of 2 similar but not identical components is discussed. This component is compared to the human .beta.-chain.